Shamanic Sessions

All sessions are conducted in Sacred Space, and in a safe and confidential environment. Sessions

last approximately 60 minutes, but can go longer. I generally recommend that you have a

minimum of three to four sessions to integrate the energetic shifts and for lasting and

significant results. 

Sessions can be done in person or remotely – energy is not bound by  linear time

and space  so energy sessions are equally potent in person and when

done remotely, by video or phone.

What we do during a session depends on the issue(s) you bring in.  If you are not sure what

you want to work on, it may be helpful to reflect on:

  • What is not working, or feels out of balance in my life?
  • What qualities do I wish to reclaim?
  • Are there unhealthy patterns or themes in my life and/or from my ancestry that keep repeating?
  • Are there places in my body where I am regularly feeling pain?

Set a clear intention for healing and letting go of old patterns. Take a few minutes before your

session to sit quietly, come to center, and open up. Allow and set your intention for that which

needs healing to come up.

When you arrive we will talk for a few minutes about what you would like to change, and look

for the deeper energetic pattern in your life and how that pattern expresses throughout time,

connecting with family/generational, cultural, and even karmic issues.

I will then journey to get guidance about what will most healing and helpful for you in the session.

I may have you choose a stone from my medicine bundle, or mesa, and blow the energy of the

pattern/issue into it.

During the energetic work, I may have you recline  fully clothed in a reclining chair or  on a

massage table. I may also ask you to stand as I cleanse your energy bubble/field.

Working with my helping spirits, I will remove heavy energy fro your energy field, or restore

needed positive energy to your energy field. Depending on your sensitivity, you may feel energy

shifts or changes, or have visual images or memories that provide insight into the cause of the


After we conclude the energy work, we will spend some time talking and you will receive

personally tailored “homework” to support you in stepping into your new energetic place.

People often continue to release and have insights into their old patterns for

several weeks following a session ~ experience precedes insight in Shamanic

Energy Healing.

It is vital that you commit to your work outside of sessions. Through this work, you will have

the opportunity to honor what you have released, and fully integrate the gifts,

empowerment and realizations that will allow you to step into your new story.

Often when we release old incompatible energy, the universe asks and gives us the option

to take the energy back. If we are not continuing our work and instead are acting out of

habit, without mindful awareness and intention, we can take this energy and the old story

back and not step into a new map and new story.

While valuable shifts can occur in one session, I advise you to commit to at least three to four

sessions to support significant life change. I support you to do this by offering special package

rates on 5 and 10 sessions packages.


Click Here to Book a Session