Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Energy Healing refers to holistic healing modalities that have been practiced for

centuries in indigenous cultures throughout the globe, and are now adapted to and available in

our contemporary culture.

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice known to humankind. This ancient

and powerful pathteaches us that everything in existence is alive and has a

spirit. We are part of Nature , not standing outside of it. Through the web of life

we are connected to all life on all levels; Spiritually, Energetically, Biologically,

Ecologically and Socially.

We know from the archaeological evidence that shamanism has been practiced

Worldwide, and in parts of Asia, Siberia, Europe, Africa, Australia, Greenland

and native North, Central and South America for at least 40,000 years. 

(Many anthropologists believe that the practice dates back over 100,000 years.)

Every culture has their own traditions and ways of contacting and

working with the spirits and the spiritual aspects of Nature itself.

The cross cultural experiences of this unseen realm are surprisingly similar the

world over… And the most amazing thing is that shamanism is still practiced

worldwide today. A practice that dates back so far andnis still practiced today

must be potent.

The word “shaman” comes from a Tungus tribe in Siberia.

The word Shaman, originated in Siberia, means “one who sees in the dark” or “one who knows”,

reflecting the spiritual abilities and talents as an intermediary between their peoples and the Spirit

worlds. Different cultures use their own terms, including medicine person, paqo, mystic, priest or

priestess to refer to a practitioner who mediates between the spirit world and the literal world. The term

“Shaman” is now used to refer to cross cultural energy healing teachings and practices

based on indigenous wisdom from around the world.
A shamanic practitioner is a man or woman who interacts directly with spirits

to address the spiritual aspects of illness, perform soul retrievals, access

information (divination), help the spirits of deceased people cross over, and

perform a variety of ceremonies for the community.

Shamans have taken on many roles in their communities acting as healers,

doctors, priests, psychotherapists, mystics, dreamers and storytellers.

What is a Shamanic Healing Session?

In Shamanic healing, we work in Sacred Space, a safe and holy healing sphere established by

welcoming the Helping Spirits and healing powers of nature, power animals, Luminous Healers,

and medicine men and women who assist from the Spirit world.

In partnership with her Helping Spirits, Girvani works outside of linear time, space and

the details of the current and often all too familiar story. Working outside of linear time

and space means that energy sessions are equally potent in person and when

done remotely, by video or phone.

The work releases the energy that holds the old pattern in place and restores positive energy  

and empowerment to allow you to move forward.

This release and restoration allows you to engage your life from a place of freedom,

write a new story, and realize the transformation you dream of finding.

Click Here for a further description of Shamanic Sessions.

Shamanic Healing addresses the energetic and spiritual aspects of illness and emotional

suffering to bring you into harmony with your Soul Journey.

This healing transforms your life, and, in some instances, produces a physical cure.

The ancient practices of

Shamanic Healing

adapted to and informed

by 21st century knowledge of Energy Healing

are available to YOU!


Shamanic Heali
ng processes can be thought of in two broad areas:

  • the removal of incompatible or stagnant energies, and
  • the restoration of supporting, positive, light-filled and live-giving energies.

Within these areas, Dr. Girvani uses a number of Shamanic Methods, some described below.

The exact process used in a session is guided by my Helping Spirits through a diagnostic

Shamanic Journey asking Helping Spirts what will be of greatest help to you at this time.

A shamanic journey is a method of entering an altered state of consciousness using the beat of a

drum or a rattle to gain access to helping spirits in non-ordinary reality for guidance and help.

The processes and methods I use are based on in-depth training with my teachers, including

Elizabeth Jenkins and Q’ero Inka Priests and Healers from the Andes, Sandra Ingerman and Core

Shamanic practices; Joan Parisi Wilcox , Juan and Ivan Nunez del Prado and Andean mysticism

practices; The Four Winds, Alberto Villoldo, Linda Fitch and practices from the Americas,

Betsy Bergstrom’s Compassionate Depossession and Curse Unravelling practices, and the direct

guidance from my Nature Parents, Nature Spirits, helping spirits and guides.

Chakra and Energy Field Clearing


Chakra cleansing removes and cleanses toxic and dense Imprints from

the chakras, or energy centers, of our Energy Field. Imprints are

records from past experiences of our emotional, mental, physical,

and spiritual history, along with their accompanying negative,

self-sabotaging beliefs. These Imprints are the way that the story lives

within us and can be from our own experience, or passed down generationally, culturally,

and karmically.

They organize our reality and attract similar negative energetic patterns into our lives.

They predispose us to the way we live, the way we heal, the way we age, and the way we die.

After removing the dense energy of the Imprint, your chakras  and energy field is Illuminated,

or bathed in light. Your chakras are rebalanced to change the affinity that attracted the

old patterns into your life.

Clearing and removing these energies restores balance and innate vitality, and frees us

from physical and psychological patterns and wounds from our past, allowing us to step

into a new life map and new story.

Extractions and Depossessions

remove incompatible energies from our energy fields. Some of these energies may be associated

with loved ones who have passed on that  we continue to hold onto, or others that have not

fully transitioned. These energies are not “bad” but rather are heavy energy that is incompatible

with our field.  Incompatible energies can show up as depression, fatigue, and physical and

emotional illness. I practice a kind of compassionate clearing and removal of attached energies

that is healing for these beings, helping them to transition, as well as being healing for the client.


Power Animal Retrieval


bring a power animal totem to assist and guide you in your life. Many

indigenous traditions say that when we are born, an animal totem

volunteers to assist us with their power and knowledge, a special kind

of archetypal energy or “medicine” that can help us align with nature,

and specific qualities and powers of the natural and spiritual realms.

This restoration of power brings us renewed vitality and connection with guidance.


Soul Retrieval/Animo Wahay

recover and re-integrate a vital parts of our essential

energy that have been “lost” and is unavailable  to us

because of fear, trauma, or wounding.

Reintegrating these vital energies restores our  original

gifts and qualities, increasing our capacity to be whole, vibrant, joyful,

step into our power, and revision our lives.

Soul Retrieval can help heal from trauma, depression, addictions,

emptiness and other life issues.

Soul Retrievals are generally done after at least one or two prior healing sessions to

prepare your energy field to receive and welcome back your soul part(s), much like the earth

needs to be prepared to receive new plantings to grow a beautiful garden.

Follow-up and integration work after Soul Retrieval is strongly suggested so that you

can fully claim the gifts of this life energy.

Welcome home to a life of passion!

Soul Remembering

As human beings, it is part of our nature to project onto other human beings. The projections

of our families, teachers, cultures can sometimes result in a loss of our connection with our

soul journey and vital life energy. In Soul Remembering, the energy and purpose that brought

into this lifetime that may have been forgotten as we experienced the judgment and projections

of others is retrieved and restored, along with a vitality and sense of purpose in our lives.

Destiny Retrievals

enable us to die to what no longer serves us in our lives,

and to birth a new, best destiny. It is about finding a place

of richness and potential, the greatest possibility available

for you to grow into. This is intensive work that usually

requires ten sessions to first clear dense energies, re-integrate

vital soul energies, and come into right relationship in our lives.

Death Rites and Psychopomp

assist loved ones who have already passed away but have not fully transitioned. Psychopomp

means “a conductor of souls”. This process provides healing for those who have already           

passed, and for you as you experience that your loved one has been able to find greater peace.



Based on the work of Sandra Ingerman,

Transfiguration is shapeshifting into light to bring

about healing for yourself and others through

radiating Spiritual Light.

In this process you receive the light and love  that is abundant in the universe and is your true

nature. I coach you to learn to find and open the door to you own inner light so you

can raise your light frequency and are more filled up  with your inner light and better able to radiate your light in the world.

Transfiguration accompanies all other healing, since it is love, not technique, that heals.

I combine Transfiguration with Andean mystical practices of brining in Sami

pure refined light energy to move heavy energy, called hucha, out of your energy field

and to create better energetic boundaries in your field.




Great Death Rites for the Dying

assist those in the dying process who are making the greatest journey from life to death

to do so with dignity and peace, full of light. I will coach you at NO CHARGE with easy to

follow specific steps to provide this service to a loved one. As a Certified Dying Consciously

Teacher, I am also available to teach the Dying Consciously program in the community 

to groups of 6 or more. For more information on Dying Consciously, go to

Book a Session with me.